Ryuhaku Todoh | Story | Move List | Gallery | Quotes | Trivia |
- This list is incomplete. You may help improve it just by editing!
In Battle[]
Art of Fighting[]
Pre-Battle Dialogue[]
Ryo Sakazaki
- Todoh: "Hmm... He is here."
- Ryo: "Tell me where my sister is!"
- Todoh: "Ask for it with your power!"
Robert Garcia
- Todoh: "Hmm... He is here."
- Robert: "Hey mister! Where's Yuri?"
- Todoh: "Ask for it with your power!"
Win Quotes[]
Story Mode
- "You have no ability. Try again!"
VS Mode
- "No one's as strong as me. What a bummer!"
Lose Quote[]
- "I don't know where she is. Jack at "Mac's Bar" might know."
Art of Fighting (JPN Version)[]
Pre-Battle Dialogue[]
Ryo Sakazaki
- Todoh: "Hmm... So you're here!"「ふむ・・・来よったか!!」
- Ryo: "Tell me where my sister is!"「妹の居場所を教えてもらおう!」
- Todoh: "Try asking me with your fists!"「お前のその拳で聞くが良い」
Post-Battle Dialogue[]
If The Player Wins
- "I don't know where the girl is."「女の居場所はわしにも分からん」
- "Maybe Jack the biker might know something...."「バイカーのジャックなら何かを知っているかもな・・・・」
If The Player Loses
- "With that level of skill, it's out of the question. Come back when you're stronger!"「その程度の腕では、話にならん。出直して来るんだな!!」
Vs. Mode Win Quote[]
- "Is there no one strong enough to challenge me?"「ワシの相手になる強者はおらんのか!!」
Capcom vs. SNK 2[]
In Battle[]
Japanese | Translation | Occurs when/during | |
お前さんに古武道をしてぃる Omaesan ni kobudō o shite~iru | "I'll teach you the Ancient Martial Arts" | Intro | |
本気でかかって 来い!Honki de kakatte koi! | "Approach me seriously!" | Intro | |
藤堂流の真髄 、見せてやる Tōdō-ryū no shinzui, misete yaru | "I'll show you the true essence of the Todoh Style" | Special Intro (vs. Maki) | |
奥義!Ougi! | "(My) secret technique!" | Chou Kasane Ate | |
見きてるは! Miki teru wa! | "Saw that coming!" | Shingan Kuzu Otoshi | |
お仕舞い Oshimai | "It is done!" | Round Win | |
藤堂流は世界一じゃ!Tōdō-ryū wa sekaiichi ja! | "The Todoh Style is the best in the world!" | Round Win |
Before Finals[]
- "I am ready for this fight! I know that I will win!"
Win Quotes[]
- "That was disgraceful! Put your mind into your moves!"
- "Win or lose is fine! Just never give up!"
- "Hard work is needed to make a real difference in your life!"
- "You need to master more than one move in order to win!"
- "The way of martial arts is tougher than you thought, huh?"
- "Fear can never defeat the power of wisdom!"
- "You thought I was weak, but now you see that I am strong!"
- "Basic techniques are the key to the power of "Kasaneate"."
Before Finals (JPN Version)[]
- "I can't stop shaking with excitement. I'll show you the essence of the Todoh Style!" 「久しぶりに、武者震いが止まらんわい。藤堂流の真髄、見せてやるぞ!」
Ending (JPN Version)[]
- Todoh succeeded in participating in the tournament of his dreams, and also took home the crown. Days of agony and frustration flashed through his mind, but he was able to overcome his tears and bask in the supreme joy of victory. The evolution of the Todoh Style begins here. "I'm no longer stuck in the shadows!"『念願の大会出場を果たしたうえ、栄冠をも奪い取った藤堂。苦悩と焦燥の日々が脳裏をよぎったが、涙を殺しつつ、至上の歓喜に酔いしれた。藤堂流の躍進は、ここから始まる。「もう、ワシは日陰者などではないぞ!」』
Win Quotes (JPN version)[]
- "Unacceptable!! Your techniques lack spirit!"「なっとらん!! 技に心が入っておらんぞ!」
- "If you can't master a single technique, you can't beat me!"「1つの技も極められぬようでは、わしには勝てん!」
- "The Kasaneate's profound strength draws from my relentless kata practice, 1000 times a day!"「1日千回、怠らぬ型稽古こそ奥義「重ね当て」の強さの源なのだ!」
- "The martial arts are farmuch deeper than you think."「武芸とは、お前さんが思うよりずっと奥深いものだ。」
- "There are no shortcuts to strength. Don't be lazy, train diligently!"「強くなるための近道はない。なまけずに、地道に鍛えよ!」
- "Self-defence is the essence of martial arts. Even 10,000 years training is useless if all you have is agression!"「護身こそ武の真髄。敵愾心ばかりでは万年修行しても無駄だ!」
- "Train, long and hard. Then come take another shot at me!"「鍛錬に鍛錬を重ねい。そして、わしに一矢を報いてみよ!」
- "You treat people like they're old! You think you're good enough to cut corners? Idiot!"「人を年寄り扱いしおって! 手を抜くほどの腕前か? バカモン!」
Character Specific[]
- "I am no exorcist, but the deed is done!"「鬼退治は門外漢だが、ひとつ成敗してくれたわ!」
- "Oh, this is nice. That's quite a big fan!"「こりゃあいい。随分と大振りな扇風機じゃな!」
- "I see, you're quite strong. Training in the wilderness is worth thinking about."「つほう、なかなかの強さだ。密林修行というのも一考に値するな。」
- "Calming your mind... Isn't the same as killing one's heart as you have."「心静かに保つ・・・・は、おぬしのように心を殺してしまうのとは意味が違うぞ。」
- "You, are you working for Interpol? I'm worried about your ability to keep the peace."「おぬし、国際警察に勤めておるのか?その腕では治安維持が心配じゃな。」
- "Hmm. His skills are a little more than second rate, but that fighting spirit is something to admire."「ふうむ。腕前は二流半だが、その雑草根性だけは見上げたものだ。」
- "You're tricky! But your long reach won't slow me down!"「小賢しい! 長槍ごときに遅れは取らん!」
- "The world of Sumo is too small! I won't be at the mercy of some Kabuki man!"「角界の裾野も狭まったものよ! こんな歌舞伎男に翻弄されとるようではな!」
- "To a martial art that once defeated Mushashi, Bohjutsu is not a threat!"「かつて武蔵にも勝利した我が武道に、棒術など脅威ではない!」
- "You didn't just lose the fight. You lost your own beliefs!"「おぬしは闘いに負けたのではない。己自身の信念に負けたのだ!」
- "My martial arts are too broad to be understood by a soldier who fights by the book!"「手引書どおりの型しか持たぬ軍人格闘に、わが武芸の幅は解せぬわ!」
- "This is the ability of the U.S. Champion? I expected too much of you."「これが全米覇者の実力か? どうやら期待しすぎておったな。」
- "If you're a man, you'll study and fight!"「男なら文武両道、目指してみよ!」
- "What a fool! You could never take over the world!"「この、大たわけめが! 世界征服など、もってのほかだ!」
- "Your blurred eyes are the source of your injuries!"「ぼやけた眼は、大怪我のもとじゃぞ!」
- "This is absolutely outrageous! Where did you leave behind your modesty!"「全くもって不埒千万! 婦女の節操をどこに置き捨てたのか!」
- "Regardless of the pros and cons to your ideals, I can't allow such imposing action!"「思想の是非はともかく、押しつけ行為は許せんな!」
- "You're hardly a true warrior if you're satisfied with that level of ki!"「その程度の「気」で満足しとるようでは真のなんとやらは程遠いぞ!」
- "It is good to train one's own strength, but one must not fail to pass their martial arts on to the next generation."「独り強さを極めるのもよいが、次代への武術継承の努力も怠ってはならん。」
- "Not yet! I'm not old enough to lose to schoolgirls just yet!"「まだまだ! 女学生に後れをとるほど、老いぼれとらん!」
- "...Well, it was a difficult task. A rampaging bear is tame by comparison."「・・・・こりゃあ、難儀だったな。暴れ熊のほうがまだおとなしいわい。」
- "A shallow attempt to hide your face? You won't fool me with your Noh mask!"「顔色を欺く浅知恵か? 能面ごときでわしは騙せんぞ!」
- "Some things cannot be won on instinct and perception alone. You defeated yourselves, boys!"「素質と勘だけでは、勝てぬ領域がある。身に染みたか、坊主ども!」
- "Don't be so naive! You can't get by on sheer strength alone!"「馬鹿力一辺倒で凌げるほど、甘くないぞ!」
- "I don't understand idols or psychic powers, but... That's okay!"「アイドルだの超能力だの、わしには理解できんが・・・・それもまたよかろう!」
- "I won't be beat by such weakness! Train yourself!!"「ナヨナヨしたやつには負けんわ! 喝!!」
- "Because you rely on such a blunt weapon, you can't escape your villainous spirit!"「そんな鈍器に頼っとるから、小悪党根性が抜けんのだ!」
- "So, is that it? You know nothing of the Ancient Martial Arts!"「なんじゃ、それで仕舞いか? 古武術のなんたるかが解っておらんな!」
- "Grow too proud of your power, and it will consume you. What is strength without the basics?!"「カを誇れば、力に溺れる。基本を成さずしてなにが「強さ」か!」
- "Simply wielding a sword doesn't make you a Samurai!"「刀を持って振りまわすだけが武士道ではないぞ!」
- "You're not bold enough. That's what the art of the sword is all about!"「思いきりが足りんな。居合の極意とやらはそんなものか!」
- "You can't help being called a ghastly brute, if all you do is rampage after what you hate!"「人を憎んで暴れまわっとるようでは、畜生餓鬼と呼ばれても仕方ないぞ!」
- "If you're a Japanese lad, you need a Fundoshi! It'll tighten your heart and your waist!"「日本男児ならフンドシだ! 腰も心もビシッと締まる!」
- "Hmm, this "Taekwondo". It's a difficult martial art to follow."「ほう、「てこん道」とな。なかなか足癖の悪い武術だ。」
- "Don't rely too much on kicking. That's why your lower body isn't stable."「蹴りに頼りすぎておるな。下半身が安定せんのは、そのせいだ。」
- "Regardless of the depth of your history, my years far exceed yours."「歴史の深さはともかく、年季の長さはおまえさんを上回っとる。」
- "A girl your age, showing so much skin...! Oh my! It's deplorable!!"「年頃の娘が、そのように肌をあらわに・・・・! かーっ! 嘆かわしい!!」
- "Protecting nature... Such an admirable goal. The Japanese youth have not abandoned us."「自然を守る・・・・立派な心がけだ。日本の若人も、捨てたものではないな。」
- "To be possessed by madness, your mental training is lacking!"「狂気に憑かれるようでは、まだまだ精神修行が足りんということだぞ!」
- "That's considerable power. The next step is learning how to use that power."「たいした怪力だ。次に学ぶべきは、その力の使い方じゃな。」
- "I was not the only winner. You have learned the harshness of fighting."「ただ勝ったわけではない。お前さんに闘いの厳しさも教えているのだ。」
- "You have practiced one hundered martial arts. But none of them are of any substance!"「武芸百般、たしなむのはよかろう。じゃが、ひとつとして身が入っておらん!」
- "Still ways off. With skills like that, you won't be surpassing Takuma anytime soon!"「まだまだじゃな。そんな腕では、タクマを超えることはできんぞ!」
- "Quite the imitation. You may become my disciple."「よくそれだけ真似られたものだな。弟子にしてもよい位だ。」
- "Seems you've had your fill of barking and howling! The Hungry Wolf indeed!"「吠えるだけ吠えたら、満足したか! 餓狼が、聞いてあきれるわ!」
- "Such a piercing voice. Are you so dissatisfied with the world?"「けたたましい声をたておって。なんぞ世間に不満でも持っとるのか?」
- "You're a twisted, unpleasant delinquent. Your spirit is no different!"「ひねくり曲がった、無様な負け姿だな。おまえの根性と同じだ!」
- "You're a chatty young thing, noisy too. You need to be more to-the-point!"「ピーチクパーチク、小うるさい。もっと、しゃっきりとせんか!」
Team Win Quotes (JPN version)[]
Character | Japanese | Translation | |
Akuma | |||
Todoh | 『武道は一日にして成らずだ!』 | “The martial arts can’t be mastered in a day!” | |
Akuma | 「我が往くは滅道、うぬらには計れぬ!」 | "You cannot fathom the path I take, the path of destruction!" | |
Akuma (Todoh as 2nd Character) | |||
Akuma | |||
Todoh | |||
Balrog | |||
Todoh | 『正面を見よ! そして時には脇も見よ!』 | "Eyes to the front! And sometimes to the side!" | |
Balrog | 「敵のツラから、目線外すバカがいるかよ!」 | "I'd have to some kinda stupid to take my eyes off the prize!" | |
Balrog (Todoh as 2nd Character) | |||
Balrog | 『この腕さえありゃ、あとは要らねえ!』 | "As long as I've got these arms, I don't need anything else!" | |
Todoh | 「そうとも! 数ばかり揃えても、無意味だ!」 | "Yes! Numbers are meaningless anyway!" | |
Blanka | |||
Todoh | 『一に鍛錬、二に鍛錬!』 | "First, train! Second, train some more!" | |
Blanka | 「アマゾンじゃ、いぎるだげでダンレンだ。」 | "In Amazon, me train to survive." | |
Blanka (Todoh as 2nd Character) | |||
Blanka | 『マルゴゲに、じでやっだぞ!』 | "I vurned you to a grisp!" | |
Todoh | 「雷様でも、ここまでひどくはないだろうな。」 | "Even the God of Thunder wouldn't be this bad." | |
Cammy | |||
Todoh | 『確率では勝てん! 洞察力を磨け!』 | "You can't beat the odds! Sharpen your perception!" | |
Cammy | 「データ蓄積は戦闘の基本、あるいは全てだ。」 | "Data accumulation is the basis of everything in combat." | |
Cammy (Todoh as 2nd Character) | |||
Cammy | 『次の試合も、待機を推奨する。』 | "I recommend remaining on standby for the next match, as well." | |
Todoh | 「この藤堂を見くびるな! いの1番に出るぞ!」 | "Don't underestimate a Todoh! I'll be the first one out next match!" | |
Chun-Li | |||
Todoh | 『最近の若い格闘家は全くなっとらんな!』 | "Young fighters these days just don't get it!" | |
Chun-Li | 「その短い脚じゃ確かに無理よね。」 | "I'm afraid stubborn old men are out of style these days." | |
Chun-Li (Todoh as 2nd Character) | |||
Chun-Li | 『さすがに連戦は、腰にキツいのよね・・・・。』 | “As I'm sure you can imagine, so many fights in a row aren’t easy on the back...” | |
Todoh | 「四千年の歴史でも、腰痛は治せんのか?」 | "Not even 4000 years of history can cure back pain?" | |
Dan | |||
Todoh | 『見たか! わしが藤堂竜白、その人だ!!』 | "See that?! I'm Ryuhaku Todoh, that's me!!" | |
Dan | 「おっさん・・・・苦労が報われて、良かったな。」 | "Old man... I'm glad your hard work paid off." | |
Dan (Todoh as 2nd Character) | |||
Dan | 『ヒャッホー! 次もオレが出ずっぱりだ!!』 | "Yahoo! I'm gonna take care of the next one too!!" | |
Todoh | 「バカもん! 気をつかって出番をまわせ!」 | "You idiot! Think about the rest of us and wait your turn!" | |
Dhalsim | |||
Todoh | 『人間、鍛えれば不可能なことなどない!』 | "People, nothing is impossible if you train hard enough!" | |
Dhalsim | 「人離れした輩も、世には多いと聞くぞ。」 | "There are many people in this world, even if they're far away." | |
Dhalsim (Todoh as 2nd Character) | |||
Dhalsim | 『不用意に全容をさらすは、愚かなことだ。』 | "It would be unwise to carelessly expose your full repotoire." | |
Todoh | 「わしは老獪にはまだ遠い。常に全開ですぞ!」 | "I'm hardly that cunning. I always fight with everything I've got!" | |
E. Honda | |||
Todoh | 『男子ならば越中!決まっておろう!』 | "If it's fundoshi for young men, it's got to be etchū! It's obvious!" | |
E. Honda | 「いーや、モッコも捨てがたいでゴワスよ!」 | "No no. If we're talkin' fundoshi, you can't go wrong with mokko!" | |
E. Honda (Todoh as 2nd Character) | |||
E. Honda | 『相撲人生、大謳歌でごわす!』 | "I enjoy my life as a Sumo wrestler to the fullest!" | |
Todoh | 「素晴らしい! 香澄の婿に迎えたい程だ!」 | "Outstanding! I hope Kasumi will accept you as my son-in-law!" | |
Eagle | |||
Todoh | 『男の強さとは何か、わかったか!』 | "Do you know what the strength of a man is?!" | |
Eagle | 「よければ私が教えよう。一晩かけてね。」 | "I can teach you, if you like. We can spend the night together." | |
Eagle (Todoh as 2nd Character) | |||
Eagle | 『まともなステップも踏めんとは。』 | "They couldn't even keep in step." | |
Todoh | 「昨今は正座もままならん若者も多いしのう。」 | "Nowadays, most young people can't even sit up straight." | |
Guile | |||
Todoh | 『なにはなくとも、平常心だ!』 | "If nothing else, one must keep a level head!" | |
Guile | 「ここが戦場である以上、必須には違いない。」 | "This is a battlefield, so it's a must." | |
Guile (Todoh as 2nd Character) | |||
Guile | 『大人気ない真似も、なかなかできん。』 | "Childish behaviour isn't exactly a strength of mine." | |
Todoh | 「しつけのなっとらん若者に、遠慮はいらん!」 | "Never be afraid to discipline the young and untrained!" | |
Ken | |||
Todoh | 『「重ね当て」の威力、とくと見よ!』 | "Watch the power of my Kasaneate carefully!" | |
Ken | 「・・・・さっきから、それしか見てないぜ。」 | "Not like I've had much else to look at..." | |
Ken (Todoh as 2nd Character) | |||
Ken | 『昇龍拳は、オレの代名詞だぜ!』 | "The Shoryuken; hope you enjoyed my signature!" | |
Todoh | 「風格なら、わしの奥義にはかなうまいて!」 | "Very stylish, but it pales in comparison to the truly ancient arts!" | |
Kyosuke | |||
Todoh | 『応用など小細工!まず基本を成せい!』 | "Don't worry about those tricks of yours! Learn the basics first!" | |
Kyosuke | 「技を改良することは無駄ではないと思うよ。」 | "It's never a waste of time to improve your techniques." | |
Kyosuke (Todoh as 2nd Character) | |||
Kyosuke | 『事前に分析した通り、磐石の勝利だった。』 | “A rock-solid victory, as predicted.” | |
Todoh | 「いやさ、金剛石よりも硬い勝利だ!」 | “No, it was a victory more solid than diamond!” | |
M. Bison | |||
Todoh | 『これぞ、誉れ高き藤堂流の真髄なり!』 | "This is the very essence of the esteemed Todoh Style!" | |
M. Bison | 「己の滑稽さに気付かぬとは不幸な男だ。」 | "That you cannot recognize your own foolishness is most unfortunate." | |
M. Bison (Todoh as 2nd Character) | |||
M. Bison | 『人は支配されねば自滅する愚かな生き物だ。』 | "Humans are foolish creatures who will only destroy themselves if they are not ruled." | |
Todoh | 「一人一人の心がけ次第ではないのか?」 | "But, isn't it up to each and every one of us?" | |
Maki | |||
Todoh | 『忍耐力のないやつは、真っ先に負けるぞ!』 | "Those who lack patience will find themselves the first to lose!" | |
Maki | 「あたしガマン大嫌いだけど、勝つよ?」 | "I hate to be stubborn and all, but I'm gonna win, OK?" | |
Maki (Todoh as 2nd Character) | |||
Maki | 『そろそろ主役の交代といこーか。』 | “I think it's time for a switch.” | |
Todoh | 「任せておけ! 藤堂流の凄さ、見せてやる!」 | “Leave it to me! I'll show you just how great the Todoh Style is!” | |
Morrigan | |||
Todoh | 『軟弱者が! みっちりしごいてやる!』 | "You're weak! I'll work you hard!" | |
Morrigan | 「最後の最後まで、搾り取ってあげるわ。」 | "I'll squeeze every last drop out of you." | |
Morrigan (Todoh as 2nd Character) | |||
Morrigan | 『あん、もっと激しいのが欲しいわ!』 | "Ahn! I want something even more intense!" | |
Todoh | 「こりゃッ! なななんと破廉恥な物言いだ!」 | "My word! What a shameless thing to say!" | |
Rolento | |||
Todoh | 『日頃の鍛錬を怠らねば、慌てることはない!』 | "So long as you don't neglect your training, you have no need to panic!" | |
Rolento | 「異存無しッ! 戦場ではパニックが大敵だッ!」 | "No objections! Panic is one of a soldier's greatest enemies!" | |
Rolento (Todoh as 2nd Character) | |||
Rolento | 『かかる緊急の事態に備え、鍛錬せよッ!!』 | "Always train for any and all emergency situations!" | |
Todoh | 「かれこれ数十年、鍛錬しっぱなしじゃ!」 | "I've been training non-stop for decades!" | |
Ryu | |||
Todoh | 『精進重ねれば、負けることなし!』 | "If you keep training hard, you'll never lose!" | |
Ryu | 「それでも、目指す道の険しさは変わらない。」 | "Still, the difficulty of the road ahead remains unchanged." | |
Ryu (Todoh as 2nd Character) | |||
Ryu | 『ツメが甘かった。修行をやり直さなくては。』 | "That last hit was sloppy. I need to train harder." | |
Todoh | 「フフ、わしの若い頃を思い出すわい。」 | "Haha. You remind me of my younger days." | |
Sagat | |||
Todoh | 『おぬしも身を削り、ひとつの技を極めたか。』 | "You too have sacrificed much to master a single skill." | |
Sagat | 「この傷の真意、貴様には解らぬ。」 | "You do not understand the true meaning of this scar." | |
Sagat (Todoh as 2nd Character) | |||
Sagat | 『衰えなど知らぬ!』 | "I know nothing of decay!" | |
Todoh | 「こりゃ現役どころか、全盛期だわい!」 | "We're not just participating, we're in our prime!" | |
Sakura | |||
Todoh | 『伝統とは、使い古しの意ではない!』 | "Tradition does not mean outdated!" | |
Sakura | 「おばあちゃんの知恵袋みたいなもんだよね。」 | "Sounds like Grandma's bag of wisdom." | |
Sakura (Todoh as 2nd Character) | |||
Sakura | 『気のせいかな? 案外弱かったかも。』 | "Was I just imagining things? They were weaker than I thought." | |
Todoh | 「むむむ・・・・末恐ろしい娘ッ子だ。」 | "Hmmm... She's a frightening little girl." | |
Vega | |||
Todoh | 『ひたむきに武に通ずる姿勢こそ、美しい!』 | "Beauty is found in a dedication to the martial arts!" | |
Vega | 「蛮人の美意識など毛ほどの価値もない。」 | "A barbarian's sense of beauty is not worth a hair's breadth." | |
Vega (Todoh as 2nd Character) | |||
Vega | 『断末魔が、極上の調べに聞こえぬか?』 | "Don't the screams of agonising death sound like the most exquisite music?" | |
Todoh | 「本気で言うておるのか!? 悪趣味な!!」 | "Are you serious?! Such horrid taste!!" | |
Yun | |||
Todoh | 『勝つと思うな、思えば負けだ!』 | "Don't think you're going to win, think you're going to lose!" | |
Yun | 「あんまり難しいこと考えても、負けるって!」 | "Think too hard, and you'll lose either way!" | |
Yun (Todoh as 2nd Character) | |||
Yun | 『ん? オレの勝ちに何か文句あるかい?』 | "Huh? You got a problem with me winning?" | |
Todoh | 「つっこみどころは満載じゃが、まあ良しだ!」 | "There's a lot to nitpick, but that's okay!" | |
Zangief | |||
Todoh | 『相手の力を利用する! 護身の極意なり!』 | "Use your opponent's own strength against them! This is the core of self-defense!" | |
Zangief | 「敵が強いほどよいと、そういうことだな!」 | "Then I suppose, the stronger the enemy, the better!" | |
Zangief (Todoh as 2nd Character) | |||
Zangief | 『オレの腕力に、たじろいだようだな!』 | "They seem to have flinched at my strength!" | |
Todoh | 「むしろその形相が恐ろしかったんじゃろう。」 | "Rather, I think they were put off by your appearance." |
Character | Japanese | Translation | |
Athena | |||
Todoh | 『これが藤堂流の技の全てだ!』 | “You have witnessed every technique of the Todoh-Style!” | |
Athena | 「えっ!? ホントに、それだけですか?」 | "Eh?! Is that really it?" | |
Athena (Todoh as 2nd Character | |||
Athena | 『いいでしょ? これがサイコパワーです!』 | "Nice, right? This is Psycho Power!" | |
Todoh | 「今はそういうのが流行っておるのか?」 | "Is that what's 'in' these days?" | |
Benimaru | |||
Todoh | 『わしを負かすのは、10年早い!』 | "You’re 10 years too early to beat me!” | |
Benimaru | 「どうせ10年前も同じ事言ってたんだろ?」 | "I bet you said the same thing 10 years ago, right?" | |
Benimaru (Todoh as 2nd Character) | |||
Benimaru | 『このまま無敗記録に挑戦ってのもいいね。』 | "Going out undefeated. I like the sound of that." | |
Todoh | 「広げた大風呂敷は、見事たたんで見せよ!」 | “Don’t just talk big, get out there and show us how it’s done!” | |
Chang & Choi | |||
Todoh | 『まず徒手空拳を極めんか! 武器はその先だ!』 | “First you must master barehanded combat! Weapons come after that!” | |
Choi | 「ア、アッシらのはアクセサリーでヤンス!」 | “T-They’re just accessories, buddy-boy!” | |
Chang & Choi (Todoh as 2nd Character) | |||
Chang | 『どこまでも、オレたち2人で勝ち進むっ!』 | "No matter where it takes us, the two of us are gonna win this thing, together!" | |
Todoh | 「なんと美しい義兄弟愛! 感服だ!」 | "Such a beautiful brotherly bond! Well said!" | |
Geese | |||
Todoh | 『一意専心! 昼夜問わずに励むべし!』 | “With your heart and soul, you must train hard day and night!” | |
Geese | 「無能の言い逃れは見苦しいぞ。単細胞め!」 | "To see such incompetence excused is unsightly. Simple-minded fool!" | |
Geese (Todoh as 2nd Character) | |||
Geese | 『間抜けの相手は、こっちの腕まで鈍る!』 | "These worthless fools are beginning to dull my skills!" | |
Todoh | 「その慢心がクセ者! 常に気を張らねばな!」 | "That pride of yours is a nuisance! We must always stay on our toes!" | |
Haohmaru | |||
Todoh | 『これこそ、柔能く剛を制すの模範!』 | “This only goes to show, slow and steady wins the race!” | |
Haohmaru | 「理屈はどうでも、結局勝つのは強いヤツよ!」 | “Logic doesn’t matter, in the end the strong will always win!” | |
Haohmaru (Todoh as 2nd Character) | |||
Haohmaru | 『ケッ! 酒の肴にもならねえ仕合だ。』 | "Damn! That match was a poor pre-sake appetiser." | |
Todoh | 「煮ても焼いても、食えんというヤツじゃな。」 | "Be it boiled or grilled, it remains inedible." | |
Hibiki | |||
Todoh | 『つつっ・・・・肩が凝ってかなわん。』 | "Ugh... My shoulders are so stiff, I can't stand it." | |
Hibiki | 「私がお揉みしましょう。ご自愛を。」 | "Let me massage them for you. Take care of yourself." | |
Hibiki (Todoh as 2nd Character) | |||
Hibiki | 『私の剣の道は・・・・誤っているのかも・・・・。』 | "My study of the sword... Perhaps I've been mistaken all along..." | |
Todoh | 「迷うな! 迷えば正道も邪道と成り果てる!」 | "Don't lose faith! Otherwise, you'll quickly walk down the wrong path!" | |
Iori | |||
Todoh | 『許せ! これも我が武道の一里塚なのだ!』 | "Forgive me! This is but another milestone on my martial arts journey!" | |
Iori | 「勝てば、戦うことの言い訳か。くだらん。」 | "You win as an excuse to fight? How idiotic." | |
Iori (Todoh as 2nd Character) | |||
Iori | 『準備などいらん! 今、死ね!』 | "I don't need any training for this, just drop dead!" | |
Todoh | 「ここまでキレやすいのか、今の若者は!」 | "The youth of today are so quick to anger!" | |
Joe | |||
Todoh | 『気合い負けか! 口ほどにもないヤツめ!』 | "You lost your fighting spirit! Your bark was worse than your bite!" | |
Joe | 「あんたの国宝級の頑固さにゃ敵はいねえよ。」 | “Your unrivalled stubbornness is a national treasure.” | |
Joe (Todoh as 2nd Character) | |||
Joe | 『さあ次も、ブワッと行っとくか!』 | "Now, let's head onto the next match with a bang!" | |
Todoh | 「締めるところは締めていけ!」 | "Make sure to tighten up where it counts, boy!" | |
Kim | |||
Todoh | 『武道精神のイロハ、とくと教えるぞ!』 | "I'll teach you the basics of the martial arts spirit!" | |
Kim | 「私もぜひ、参考にさせてください!」 | "I'd be happy to help!" | |
Kim (Todoh as 2nd Character) | |||
Kim | 『藤堂さんを前に、お恥ずかしい限りです。』 | "I feel a little shy in front of you, Mr. Todoh." | |
Todoh | 「いやいや、立派な戦いぶりじゃったぞ!」 | "Don't be! You put up a fine fight, young man!" | |
King | |||
Todoh | 『武道家は、参戦することに意義がある!』 | "Martial artists are meant to fight!" | |
King | 「あんたも偉くなったもんだね。」 | “We've both come a long way since then, haven't we?” | |
King (Todoh as 2nd Character) | |||
King | 『敵の不甲斐ないこと・・・・どう思う?』 | "So... What do you make of our opponent's lack of spirit?" | |
Todoh | 「覇気の無さには、怒る気も失せるわい。」 | "Their complete lack of ambition is somewhat infuriating." | |
Kyo | |||
Todoh | 『わっははは! 軽いもんだ!』 | "Hahaha! How easy!" | |
Kyo | 「はしゃぎすぎて、腰痛めても面倒みねえぜ。」 | “Don't get too excited. If you throw your back out, don't expect any help.” | |
Kyo (Todoh as 2nd Character) | |||
Kyo | 『負け犬に払う敬意はねえよ。』 | "I've got no respect for losers." | |
Todoh | 「立派な武芸を嗜みながら、その態度はなんだ!」 | "For such a fine taste in martial arts, your attitude leaves much to be desired!" | |
Mai | |||
Todoh | 『まったく、武の心を知らぬ輩が多すぎる!』 | “Too many of these fighters lack a warrior's spirit!” | |
Mai | 「あたしを見習って欲しいものよね!」 | “Hopefully they’ll learn from me!” | |
Mai (Todoh as 2nd Character) | |||
Mai | 『手も足も出てなかったわ。つまんない!』 | "They couldn't tell left from right. Bo-oring!" | |
Todoh | 「そういうおぬしは少し手足を慎みなされ!」 | "They should be more mindful of such things!" | |
Nakoruru | |||
Todoh | 『友は大切にな。人生の宝だ!』 | “Take good care of your friends. They are the treasures of life!” | |
Nakoruru | 「ママハハにはいくら感謝しても足りません。」 | "I can't thank Mamahaha enough.” | |
Nakoruru (Todoh as 2nd Character) | |||
Nakoruru | 『巫女として大自然を守る使命、果たします!』 | "As a shrine maiden, I will fulfill my mission to protect nature!" | |
Todoh | 「うむ! 実に天晴れな大義名分である!」 | "Mhm! A noble cause, indeed!" | |
Raiden | |||
Todoh | 『ふう。いささか張りきりすぎたわ。』 | "Phew. I might have overdone it a bit." | |
Raiden | 「くたばる前に、切り上げとけよ。」 | "Call it a day, before you work yourself to death, old-timer." | |
Raiden (Todoh as 2nd Character) | |||
Raiden | 『あんたの出番はないって言ってるだろう。』 | "I'm telling you, you're outta your league." | |
Todoh | 「おぬし、このわしを脇役扱いする気か!」 | "You're treating me like some kind of sideshow!" | |
Rock | |||
Todoh | 『若い者には、まだまだ負けられん!』 | “I won’t lose to you youngsters just yet!” | |
Rock | 「そのセリフがすでに年寄りだぜ。」 | "In saying that, you make yourself sound even older." | |
Rock (Todoh as 2nd Character) | |||
Rock | 『あくまで突っ走るだけだ!』 | "We'll rush our way through, to the very end!" | |
Todoh | 「虚仮の一念岩をも通す! 馬鹿にはできん!」 | "Even the impossible, can be achieved through hard work! Don't be fooled!" | |
Rugal | |||
Todoh | 『さあ、次の猛者はいずこだ!?』 | “Now, who will be the next fierce competitor?!” | |
Rugal | 「当分ザコばかりのようだな。君にまかせる。」 | "Seems to be nothing but vermin for the time being. I'll leave them to you." | |
Rugal (Todoh as 2nd Character) | |||
Rugal | 『私と戦えば、結果など自明のはずだ。』 | "If you challenge me, the result is obvious." | |
Todoh | 「それでも立ち向かうのが武人であろう。」 | "Even so, a warrior would face those odds regardless." | |
Ryo | |||
Todoh | 『日々の鍛錬ゆえになせる勝利だ!』 | “This victory comes from training hard, everyday!” | |
Ryo | 「超必殺技の特訓を思い出すな・・・・。」 | “I'd prefer not to think about my special move training...” | |
Ryo (Todoh as 2nd Character) | |||
Ryo | 『修行の成果は、見ての通りだ。』 | "The results of my training are plain to see." | |
Todoh | 「うむ! さぞタクマも自慢じゃろう!」 | "Indeed! I'm sure Takuma is very proud!" | |
Terry | |||
Todoh | 『古武道、いまだ衰えなし!』 | “The ancient martial arts are as strong as ever!” | |
Terry | 「型にこだわってばかりじゃ、進化しないぜ。」 | “But if you just do things by the book, you'll never evolve.” | |
Terry (Todoh as 2nd Character) | |||
Terry | 『狼退治のつもりが、退治されちまったな!』 | "You thought you'd take down the wolf, but you ended up in its jaws!" | |
Todoh | 「身のほどを知るべしじゃ!」 | "You should know your place!" | |
Todoh | |||
Todoh | 『敗因は己の中にあると気付け!』 | “You must realize that the cause of your defeat comes from within!” | |
Todoh | 「おぬし、実にいいことを言うのう!」 | “You say some very good things!” | |
Vice | |||
Todoh | 『相手に「参った」と言わせれば充分だ。』 | “To make my opponent admit defeat is enough for me.” | |
Vice | 「まだしゃべる余裕があるのに? 甘いねえ!」 | "They can still talk when you're done? You're too soft!" | |
Vice (Todoh as 2nd Character) | |||
Vice | 『恨みの言葉は、むしろ快感さ!』 | "Their words of resentment are like music to my ears!" | |
Todoh | 「お前さんには因果応報も関係なしか。」 | "The concept of karma is lost on you, isn't it?" | |
Yamazaki | |||
Todoh | 『この程度で参る藤堂竜白ではない!』 | “At this rate, Ryuhaku Todoh can't lose!” | |
Yamazaki | 「捨て石にしちゃ粘るな。せいぜいカマせや!」 | “Just stick to being my sacrificial pawn. You’re a joke at best!” | |
Yamazaki (Todoh as 2nd Character) | |||
Yamazaki | 『あとはクソ親父の説教でも聞いときな!』 | "And now, it's time to listen to this geezer's shitty little sermon!" | |
Todoh | 「バカモン! おぬしにくれてやるわ!」 | "Idiot! Have some decency!" | |
Yuri | |||
Todoh | 『武術に王道なし! ただ鍛錬あるのみ!』 | "There is no shortcut for the martial arts! All you can do is train!" | |
Yuri | 「ユリみたいに、才能も必要だッチ!」 | "And just like Yuri here, you need loads of talent too!" | |
Yuri (Todoh as 2nd Character) | |||
Yuri | 『ヒマが出来たら、トド流も習ってみるッチ。』 | "When I have a little time on my hands, I'll learn Todoh style too." | |
Todoh | 「縮めるなッ!! 藤堂流だっ!!」 | "You can't condense the Todoh Style like that!!" |