The King of Fighters '97 Artwork
The King of Fighters '98 artwork.
The King of Fighters '98 winpose.
The King of Fighters 2002 artwork.
The King of Fighters 2002 winpose.
The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match artwork.
The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match: Win portrait.
The King of Fighters '97: Shinkiro Sketch
Shinkiro Sketch of the CYS Band.
The King of Fighters '97: Shinkiro Sketch
The King of Fighters '97: concept art by Shinkiro
The King of Fighters '97: CYS sketch
The King of Fighters '97: Shinkiro Sketch
The King of Fighters '97: Shinkiro Sketch
The King of Fighters '97: Opening.
The King of Fighters '97 Anthology Novel: Cover
The King of Fighters '97 ~Owari Naki Natsu no Saigo ni: Illustration.
The King of Fighters '97 ~Owari Naki Natsu no Saigo ni: Illustration.
The King of Fighters '97 ~660nen Hi no Futari~: Illustration
The King of Fighters '98: Gallery artwork.
The King of Fighters: Kyo. artwork.
The King of Fighters '98 ~Nokosareta Monotachi~: Cover by Kotomi Tobashi
The King of Fighters '98 ~Nokosareta Monotachi~: Illustration by Kotomi Tobashi
The King of Fighters '98 ~Nokosareta Monotachi~: Illustration by Kotomi Tobashi
The King of Fighters '98 ~Nokosareta Monotachi~: Illustration by Kotomi Tobashi
The King of Fighters '98 ~Saidai Tasuu no Saidai Koufuku~: Illustration by Kotomi Tobashi
The King of Fighters '98 ~Saidai Tasuu no Saidai Koufuku~: Illustration by Kotomi Tobashi
The King of Fighters 2000 ~STRIKERS STRIKE BACK~ Illustration by Kotomi Tobashi
The King of Fighters 2002: Opening.
The King of Fighters 2003: Edit Team Ending.
The King of Fighters 2003 Manhwa
All eight members of the Hakkesshu and Orochi in the KOF Manhwa.
The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match: New Face Team.
The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match: New Face Team win portraits by Hiroaki.
The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match: Kids Team.
The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match Online: Trailer
The King of Fighters World: character select portrait.
The King of Fighters Destiny: Title screen.
The King of Fighters Destiny: artwork.
The King of Fighters All Star: Portrait artwork.
The King of Fighters - All Star: New Face Team.
The King of Fighters '98: Ultimate Match Web artwork
SNK vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium
SNK Gals' Fighters: Shermie cutscene.
SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy: Shermie's Ending.
SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy: Shermie's Ending.
SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy: Shermie's Ending.
SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy: Shermie's Ending.
SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy: Shermie's Ending.
The King of Fighters '97 poster, by Shinkiro
The King of Fighters '97 Promotional Art
Gamest Mook vol.161 - FIESTA: Illustration by Natsumoto Masato
The King of Fighters 2002 Promotional Art by Hiroaki
The King of Fighters 2002: Promotional artwork by Tonko.
The King of Fighters - Perfect Reader: Illustration by Falcoon.
Chris, Yashiro and Shermie, artwork by Falcoon
Chris, Yashiro and Shermie Illustration by Falcoon
New Faces Team by Falcoon
The King of Fighters - All Star: 1st year anniversary artwork.
Impressions about the character, by Tomohiro Nakata
KOF XV Orochi Team Artwork
KOF XV Akihabara Promotion, by TONKO
KOF XV Orochi Team Promotional Artwork, by
TONKO2022 SNK Easter Promotional Art
2022 Birthday Illustration, by
HiroakiSpecial Illustration by the 1st anniversary of the game, by Tomohiro Nakata
2023 Birthday Illustration
KOF XV 2nd Anniversary Illustration, by
TONKO2024 Birthday Illustration